What is expected of you as a parent?
Your child is expected to be able to look after their own possessions, to be able to dress themself, to understand the concept of sharing and taking turns and to be toilet trained. Information sessions are conducted at the end of the child’s pre-school year to prepare parents and child(ren) for this first important transition to the child’s first year at school.
Parents are encouraged to involve themselves in school events for the following reasons:
Please assist your school (and thus your child) in any way that you can – ideas, working bees, policy formulation, information evenings and committees. All volunteers are required to have a Working With Children Check card.
You can apply for one at no cost at any Post Office.
Collecting of Foundation Children
Foundation children are to be collected after school from outside the classroom doors. This is to ensure that your child learns the safety aspect of walking through the car park under supervision (especially in Term 1).
Parent Help
Early in the year we will be asking each family for some time to assist with school operations. Hearing children read, covering books, library administration etc, provides valuable assistance. More details will be given in the newsletters.
Naming Items
Please make sure that you mark all lunch boxes, library bags and clothing with your child’s name. Any lost items are placed in the Lost Property box in the foyer. Unclaimed items are sent to charitable organisations at the end of each week.
Parent Payment Contributions
These are payable directly to the school. This covers photocopying costs, year level specific textbooks and online resources subscription costs. A school diary is required for certain Year levels only. Information and costs will be included on the booklists.
Information on other matters
A weekly newsletter, “Calder Chronicle”, is sent out every Thursday on Compass with all the current school community news.
You can request to have news included in this bulletin by handing items to the Office by Wednesday, or arranging to send items via email. Please note that this can only be done room permitting. These newsletters are numbered and dated so that you will know if they are current editions. It is your responsibility to ensure that you are reading the newsletter. An alternative is to have the newsletter emailed to you. Please advise the Office of your email address if you wish to use this service. You can also access it via Compass. Newsletters are also available from our website http://www.bighillps.vic.edu.au/
Literacy and Numeracy Tips
Click HERE to view The Education State Literacy and Numeracy Tips to help your child every day