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Student Engagement and Wellbeing
Big Hill Primary school structure is founded on “Unit Thinking” - every teacher within a Unit has a responsibility to every learner and to each other. We have 4 Units across the school – Our First Steps Unit incorporates Foundation / Year 1; our Junior Unit is currently made up of 2 Year 1/2 classes; our Middle Unit is currently made up of 1 Year 2/3 and 2 Year 3/4 classes; and our Senior Unit incorporates 1 Year 4/5 and 2 Year 5/6 classes.
Teachers within our school interact and collaborate to ensure each student has the best opportunity to reach their potential. Professional Learning Teams meet regularly to focus on approaches in the areas of Literacy, Numeracy, Wellbeing, Physical Education and ICT. This work initiates and drives best practice thinking and translates into action across the school. Ongoing professional learning is a key school priority and is actioned through Teacher Observations, coaching and external professional development in key focus areas – currently reading and mathematics.
A culture of high expectations and persistence has resulted in many significant competition achievements at Big Hill PS also, with many of our students standing out in the local Greater Bendigo area.
The school has a commitment to developing personalised pathways for students identified as having special learning or behaviour needs. The Wellbeing Team, led by the Assistant Principal manages a growing number of students with diverse and complex needs to ensure assessments, supports, associated skilled professionals and parents all have the opportunity to work together to maximise learning outcomes.
Our school recognises the importance of student health and wellbeing and is reviewing and developing explicit wellbeing protocols and procedures to help to support and grow resilience and relationship skills in every learner enabling them to thrive socially and emotionally. Using the School Wide Positive Behaviour Supports Framework we have reviewed our School Values and have developed actions and standards of positive behaviour. The purpose of School Wide Positive Behaviour Support is to establish a school climate in which appropriate behaviour is the norm for all students.
We are proud of our community and our students. We openly and actively celebrate our achievements and the achievements of our students via our weekly school community assemblies, our newsletter, website, Facebook page and local media. Monday school assemblies showcase weekly highlights under the leadership of an outstanding student Assembly Team. This school program continues to be a favourite with parents, students and staff!
A comprehensive range of incursions, excursions and camps takes learning beyond the walls of the classroom.
A supportive and hard-working School Council Team values the ongoing collaboration between parents and staff. A small and very active Parent & Friends Association supports our school community in celebrating special days and events. Their fundraising efforts are acknowledged and appreciated. We know our community well and we embrace our community to ensure every member has every opportunity to thrive!